Friday, July 28, 2006


kickass is our new distributor in Australia. Mike Daly is the man behind kickass and he will take care of the distribution of superstar. visit for more infos

bienvenue a notre nouveau distributeur en Australie, ! visitez le site pour plus d'infos.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

some news of antony

maybe you remember the awesome photo of antony riding the curved wall in lyon (ride uk citytrip lyon). antony is always broken these days, (look at his foot) but he still find some time to ride his bike.. here's some photos of him.. photos by freddy bermond! thank's fwidy!!!!!!!!!!!

quelques nouvelles d'antony... étant pas mal cassé ces derniers temps, il passe la plupart de son temps a lancer de nouvelles modes vestimentaires au "toulouse mondain", a savoir les clients de chez tonton, et a job. on a vu les chapeaux fleurir, les futs rock n roll, les slam chromés, les cow plant et downside footplant table what's next? malgré cet emploi du temps chargé, il trouve le moyen de rouler un peu, donc tout va bien.. merci a fwidi pour les photos, la piscine et caramel!!!

Saturday, July 8, 2006

another photo of our new stems... enjoy

Friday, July 7, 2006

we are also working on a new stem, with a unique clamp design. we are testing them right now and it work really good. we will change some things for the next samples so i will post the final weight later. the stems will be available in 48mm and 53mm extensions in 2007.

nous sommes entrain de tester les nouveaux prototypes de notre nouvelle potence. plus d'infos plus tard, sachez seulement que les potences seront disponibles en deux extensions, 48mm et 53mm.

Wednesday, July 5, 2006

happy birthday Daniel

happy birthday to our great friend Daniel Mini!!! 37 years old... and still on his bike! by the same time, visit our friends at BSD:

aujourdh'ui c'est l'anniversaire de "infamous papy dani", A.K.A Daniel Mini... 37ans et toujours sur le vélo, c'est peut etre le temps de penser a la retraite nan?

Monday, July 3, 2006

Dom's last bike

it's time to show you dom's last bike. he just built the final LMF sample. the frame will be available in october, in 20.4, 20.8 and 21.2, in black or light green (same as dom's)

et voici le nouveau vélo de dom, le prototype final du Light my Fire, disponible en octobre en 20.4, 20.8, 21.2 en noir et vert clair, comme celui de dom.

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