Friday, May 26, 2006

New shirts!!!! available soon...

Thursday, May 18, 2006

sad new

Tom Blyth just decided to leave the team in good terms and he is now riding for fbm.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Casey Longshore is the owner of season bikes (visit for more informations) but he also ride on our flow team on a treets frame. big thank's to casey for the photos!!!!!!!

Casey Longshore est le boss de season bikes (une marque de parts street du midwest des usa: et il roule aussi pour superstar dans le flow team sur un treets. voici quelques photos de casey.


Sunday, May 7, 2006

Rob Andrews is a schredder...

some riding photos at leeds and ripley.

photos by leon stimspon and martin Holden

Saturday, May 6, 2006

What's up with superstar uk riders and big rails?...

we are proud to welcome Rob Andrews to our growing team. Rob is a great friend of guy terry and also a really good rider. ther's some photos of him.
we will have our final samples of newdeal and LMF made during the next week, so stay tuned...
photos by martin Holden

Friday, May 5, 2006

Front hub guard

thank's to GREASY COMB. there is a photo of our front hubguard on a proper hub. these things are in stock right now so you can find these on every good shop that sell superstar stuff. they work with proper, odyssey vandero suzue hubs, fly and others suzue style axles. they are made from 7075-T6 aluminium so they are really strong. The guard for the profile mini hub will be available with the next production.

Merci a notre distributeur américain GREASY COMB pour cette photo de notre nouveau hubguard monté sur le nouveau moyeu proper. Le guard prend la place de l'écrou intérieur, ce qui fait qu'il ne rajoute quasiment aucun poids a votre roue avant, tout en protégeant les rayons et les flasques du moyeu de façon optimale. (compatible proper, odyssey,fly, suzue etc...) Les guards sont fabriqués en aluminium 7075-T6 et resisteront donc longtemps aux assaults urbains. La version pour profile mini sera disponible avec la prochaine production, pour le début de l'automne. Les hubguards ainsi que les pimp, elect champagne et les nouveaux parkinson (plus légers, 20.35,20.7,21) sont desormais en stock chez Frenchys et devraient etre en magasin en début de semaine prochaine.

credit photo: Dave Wooten@greasycomb

the new CREAM is out with the SUPERSTAR-CARHARTT citytrip in lyon report. by the way you can also find a full interview of Taj Mihelich. for more informations.
Le nouveau CREAM est disponible. VOus trouverez le report sur le citytrip de Lyon a l'interieur, ainsi qu'une interview de Taj... a ne pas louper.

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